Support when you need it the most.
Supporting you every step of the way.

TPD, Trauma, Income Protection and Life Claim Specialists

Comprehensive Claims Support Every Step of the Way

Welcome to TPD Claim Support, where our primary objective is to secure the timely approval of your insurance claims, ensuring you or your client receives the compensation they deserve.

In the complex landscape of claims processing, we understand the potential financial and emotional toll prolonged delays and procedural misunderstandings can inflict. Embarking prematurely on the claims journey can also lead to unforeseen complications.

At TPD Claim Support, we specialise in guiding you and your family through this complex process, alleviating stress and anxiety while delivering timely results.

For industry professionals, including Lawyers and Litigators, Financial Planners, and Superannuation Funds, we process your clients’ claims and allow you to focus on your core business without the distraction of administrative complexities.

Our team is committed to transparency and fairness and ensuring no inflated fees. We excel in this domain, diligently addressing potential obstacles before they manifest.

Whether you’re an individual client seeking assistance or a professional referring a client to us, TPD Claim Support collaborates seamlessly with all parties involved to achieve the desired claim outcome.

Minimise stress. Take control.
Engage Professionals and Avoid Delays

How we can help

At TPD Claim Support, we are your dedicated partners in the claims process. Our goal is to relieve the burden and anxiety associated with the claims process, enabling you to prioritise what truly matters – yourself, your health, and your family.

For industry professionals, we handle the intricate details of your client’s insurance claims, allowing you to stay focused on your business.

What distinguishes us is our commitment to transparency and fair pricing. The skilled team at TPD Claims Support proactively work to eliminate obstacles before they arise, ensuring a seamless and successful claims experience without inflated fees.

We make the complex simple.

Your Claims Team - Providing Compassionate Support in Times of Need

Our vision is straightforward: support when you are in need.

At TPD Claim Support, our guiding principle is simple yet powerful: claim support when you are in need. These words are a commitment deeply embedded in our business’s foundations. 

Our success is built on a solid foundation of technical knowledge coupled with an unwavering dedication to assisting people in need. We recognise the unique demands of Australians during critical life events; our dynamic team is committed to alleviating the emotional and financial hardships that often coincide with insurance claims.

 In today’s complex world, navigating the intricacies of insurance claims requires a dedicated team with constant attention to detail. At TPD Claim Support, we immerse ourselves in these complexities daily. The nuances of insurers’ processes, legislative rules, and potential litigation risks are vast, and without comprehensive knowledge, crucial steps can be overlooked, resulting in delayed or declined claims. It’s a significant risk, with potential financial repercussions and the possibility of litigation or compensation to the client.

Recognising that most Australians cannot afford such risks, TPD Claim Support serves as a guiding force, navigating the rules, legislation, and time pressure on behalf of our clients. With rules and legislation constantly changing, overlooking critical steps can have substantial consequences. 

Don’t learn the hard way— trust in TPD Claim Support to steer through the complexities, ensuring your claims process remains seamless, compliant, and free from risks.

Our team collaborates with a network of professionals to offer comprehensive services and support to our clients. Recognising the intricate nature of claims, we advocate for a holistic approach and accompany our clients through every process phase.

TPD Claims Support is grounded in experience, dedication, and effective collaborations, aiming to be your steadfast support during challenging times.

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Support for Financial Planners:

For financial planners navigating the insurance claims process on behalf of their clients, you can:

  • Outsource the claims process to alleviate practice stress and improve efficiency.
  • Access Claims Professionals familiar with your legislative framework.
  • Mitigate risks related to claims disputes or delays, allowing you to focus on benefit payments and client relationships.
  • Transition clients seamlessly post-claim acceptance for ongoing advisory needs.
  • Access support, education, or outsourcing options to ensure compliance with new legislation.

Lawyers, Litigators, and Other Professionals:

For legal practitioners, accountants, and professionals looking to streamline client insurance claims, we offer:

  • Collaboration to achieve the best possible outcomes for all parties involved.
  • Stress reduction by outsourcing the claims process and allowing you to focus on your core business.
  • Expert guidance at no extra cost, freeing capacity for client needs without impacting your billable hours model.

Members of Superannuation Funds:

For individuals navigating the complexities of superannuation fund claims, we offer:

  • Professional and efficient assistance during challenging times.
  • Personal Case Managers dedicated to securing your claims without excessive fees.
  • Advocacy that works in the best interests of you and your family.

Maximise Your Super and Insurance Claim:

For various insurance claims, from Income Protection to TPD, Terminal Illness, and Life Insurance, we provide:
  • Support during challenging periods and minimise inflated fees and claim delays.
  • Dedicated Claim Managers with industry expertise that prioritise your individual needs.
  • Collaboration with Financial Planners, Accountants, Legal Professionals, and family members for comprehensive support throughout the claims process.

At TPD Claim Support, we are not just claim specialists – we are your allies, committed to ensuring a seamless and successful claims experience.

Jane Brown

Head Accountant

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Sample Someone


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